Directly to teachers

94% of teachers spend their own money on classroom supplies without reimbursement. Elementary school teachers spend an average of $525/year of their own money. And up to 31% work a second job.Let's put a little bit of that money back in their wallets and give them the ability to invest more in their classroom.Each week we feature a classroom (or a group of classrooms), and each we week deposit the received funds into the teacher's bank account - no reimbursment forms, no spending restrictions, no hassle.

Is a good idea?

Still here?

If you are a teacher, could you take our quick survey to make sure we're doing the right things? Or, if you like this idea, would you want to help it get off the ground? Teacher.Cash will never exist without both parents and teachers who are enthusiastic about the idea and willing to participate.

How the Equity Fund works

A portion of funds received will go toward an equity fund, which is used to support special educators, teachers who raise less, or other support staff. We hope to get feedback from teachers about how best to structure this (or if we should just have teachers vote/decide distribution at the end of each season). We'd love to hear from you in the survey or by email about this any anything else! You can reach us at are also considering using a portion of funds received to cover fundrainsing expenses (such as tiptap device rentals) if we cannot find sponsors to cover all expenses.

Giving now takes 3 seconds

By partnering with TipTap, we can offer contactless giving stations that don't require an attendant and can even be placed outdoors. No wifi is needed, since each device uses a cell network, uses encryption, and stores nothing.Tap your credit card as many times as you like to donate fixed increments, such as $2 or $5.

Absolute transparency

Know exactly where every cent in our care goes.Credit card & TipTap fees take 5% plus $.10 ($.30 for debit).So, for a $2 tap, we receive $1.80
For a $5 tap, we receive $4.65
100% goes to teachers. We don't constrain how they spend it or require them to do any paperwork.Anonymized and open transaction-level data will be publicly available so both donors and teachers can verify their transactions are correct.

Low overhead

Rent each TipTap device and stand for $30/mo with no contract.Parents locate businesses that are willing to host a donation sign, and each week insert a new classroom paper. That's it.Parent-teacher organizations can include easy-to-use online giving links in their newsletters.

Do you want to stay in the loop?

We're never going to swamp your inbox. Click the confirmation link in your inbox or it didn't happen.

Plug and play

Wall or battery powered

A $30 rechargable battery can power a station for 1-2 days, and floor stands can be placed outdoors near school entrances to let parents give easily.Or, ask your favorite local business to plug it in near a high-traffic area.

Online donations made fast

One time or recurring donations via a simple link

With DonorBox, it's easy to build a donor base. See an example giving site here. DonorBox charges 1.5% on top of a 2.9% card processing fee. No monthly fee.


Unfortunately, doesn't exist yet

You can see our estimated operating expenses here, check our assumptions, the launch plan, our expected volunteer opportunities, and complete and share our teacher survey! Please email for an immediate response - or log into your Google account to comment directly on any of these documents.

Give us your most creative fake name and email combination!It will lessen the sting of failure

© 2021

Thank you!